Tuesday, January 16, 2007

annie's blue cable arm warmers

I've been home sick since Thursday. I feel much better now but it got kind of sad and lonely for awhile. I can't imagine what it would be like to have a job where I just worked from home, where I didn't have any coworkers and didn't have to interact with people. Perhaps it would make me a little eccentric, because sometimes I feel borderline.

Anyway, with all this time in quarantine, I was able to finish the armwarmers I was knitting Annie for her birthday. Today is her birthday! Unfortunately I am still too sick to go to her birthday party. But they're finished! I feel quite proud of them because they were my first real attempt at designing, and look how lovely they turned out. I was so pleased! Now I will attempt to write out the pattern so that in the future, I can remember what all that scribble means.

blue cable arm warmers:
cast on 36 st
divide evenly over 3-4 dpn
place marker and join

row 1: p1, k2, *p1, k4, p1, k2, repeat from * 3 more times, p1
row 2-4: repeat row 1
row 5: p1, k2, *p1, C4F, p1, k2, repeat from * 3 more times, p1
row 6-14: repeat row 1

to form thumb hole: turn after each row and knit back and forth
row 15: repeat row 5, turn
row 16, 18, and 20: k1, p2, *k1, p4, k1, p2, repeat from * 3 more times, k1, turn
row 17 and 19: repeat row 1, turn

to close thumb hole: join and begin to knit in the round again
row 21: repeat row 5, join
row 22-30: repeat row 1
row 31: repeat row 5
row 32-36: repeat row 1
row 37-47, repeat rows 21-31

to increase:
row 48: p1, m1 k2, *p1, k4, p1, k2, repeat from * 3 more times, p1
row 49: k1, p1, k2, *p1, k4, p1, k2, repeat from * 3 more times, m1, p1
row 50: k1, m1, p1, k2, *p1, k4, p1, k2, repeat from * 3 more times, p1, k1
row 51: k2, p1, k2, *p1, k4, p1, k2, repeat from * 3 more times, p1, m1, k1
row 52: k2, p1, k2, *p1, k4, p1, k2, repeat from * 3 more times, p1, k2, k2 from next round, place marker (40 st on needles)

row 53: p1, k2, *p1, C4F, p1, k2, repeat from * 3 more times, p1, C4F
row 54-62: p1, k2, *p1, k4, p1, k2, repeat from * 3 more times, p1, k4
row 63: p1, k2, *p1, C4F, p1, k2, repeat from * 3 more times, p1, C4F
row 64-68: p1, k2, *p1, k4, p1, k2, repeat from * 3 more times, p1, k4

repeat rows 53-68 three more times
bind off and weave in ends

bah, this probably could have been written better, and in the other direction so the increases were decreases, but considering this sheet is what I was working from, this will have to do for now.

Annie's were knit with one strand of Seasons Greeting yarn (95% acrylic, 5% lurex, colour: blue?) and two strands of Kid Seta Madil (70% super kid mohair, 30% silk, colour: shade) knit together.

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