Friday, July 3, 2009

baby romaine

so young and tender, your salad days are here
but remember, sweet is always mixed with bitter
and April only leads to December

well, in the case of my updates, April leads to July. oops.

All my friends are having babies. Baby girls. If you're pregnant with a son, you kid is going to have his choice of the ladies.

I used leftovers from another quilt in the works to makes this green and blue quilt for my friend's soon to be born daughter. Actually, I had enough leftovers to make three copies. While the "mass production" makes me feel a bit like Baby Gap, I kind of love it at the same time. Also! I was strangely pleased at how efficiently the leftovers got used up.

Also! if I'm really happy with the final product, as I am with this one, I want to spread the love.

Kind of like how I feel about the bomo-bags, whose salad days are over... still I remain, baby romaine.